In the first century, a wonder-working Rabbi named Yishu haNeṣer went about doing good, and teaching the True Way of Alohim in the Roman province known as “Judea (modern day IsraEl).” He was known to the world as the “wise King” of the Jews (per Mara bar Serapion); He is the Mashiaḥ (the True King of IsraEl). He was both, crucified to death, and came back to life in the year 30 A.D., under the reign of Pontius Pilate. He never died again, He instead was lifted into Heaven.
Yishu haMashiaḥ is the Radiance of the Glory of Alohim, and the Uncreated Image of Alohim’s being.
King Yishu holds all things by the power of His Word, and He Himself carried out a cleansing of our sins, and now sits down at the Right Hand of Alohim, the Highest Majesty, from where He will come back to execute the final judgment of all those that are living, and have lived on planet earth (ref. The Letter to the Hebrews, chp 1). King Yishu has asked us:
"Was it not necessary for the Mashiaḥ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory (St. Luke 24:26)?”
– King Yishu haNeṣer
“Was it not necessary for the Mashiaḥ to suffer these things…”
(Yishu haMashiaḥ was tortured and crucified; He died, and was buried.)
“and to…”
(King Yishu resurrected from the dead, and ascended into the highest Heaven; He has been given all authority in Heaven and on earth.)
“enter into His glory?”
(By His Holy Spirit, King Yishu enters all those that put their trust in Him, pardoning their sin, and He will reign with them when He comes back to judge the living and the dead.)
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. (St. Matthew 11:28).”
– King Yishu haNeṣer