In 1985, Adonoi Yishu appeared to a young IrmeYahu in a vision, Master Yishu was sitting in an invisible throne among the stars looking out upon all His creation. IrmeYahu believed upon Yishu at that moment, but eventually went astray from following Him. In 1999, an angel of Adonoi Yishu visited IrmeYahu once again waking him up from sleep telling him to, “Get ready, it’s time.” IrmeYahu did not know who was talking to him, and did not understand what he was to get ready for. In His mercy Adonoi Yishu once again appeared to IrmeYahu in 2003, this time in a dream. Master Yishu showed IrmeYahu that he was not counted as one of His disciples because he was ashamed of Him, and had not lived to his potential (which is to be conformed to the image of Yishu). One month after that dream IrmeYahu’s last plan for worldly success failed, he kneeled in his living room and said, “Lord, You can have my whole life, You made me, so You know better than I do with what to do with my life.”  Two months later, on May 25, 2003, Adonoi Yishu showed IrmeYahu to take the vow of a nazirite, which he did for nine months.

Adonoi Yishu led IrmeYahu through a Christian rap ministry from 2004 to 2022, and delivered him from the spirit of hip hop in 2023 during a 40 day fast, after which, Adonoi Yishu consecrated IrmeYahu as a Nazir, on May 25, 2023 (twenty years to the day of his initial vow). In 2024, Adonoi Yishu appeared to IrmeYahu and told him to, “Leave and enter [his] vocation,” which is, “fishers of men.” Yishu directed IrmeYahu to begin a ministry called “Nachum.” Adonoi Yishu desires to use Nachum (pronounced Naḥum) for His purposes in the earth.

Naḥum is from the Hebrew word, “naḥam;” it is hard to translate this word into English, sometimes English Bibles use the word “comfort,” to translate this word, other times it is translated as, “repent.” A rabbi wrote on the Texas Jewish Post, “The word “nachem” is usually translated as comfort or consolation. In fact, these translations are inaccurate; the literal meaning is to take a new look at the same set of circumstances and arrive at a different conclusion. It is a paradigm shift.” 

New Testament English Bibles translate the Greek word metanoia as “repent.” Metanoia means to “change [one’s] mind,” a paradigm shift.

In Matthew 4 it says, “Now when Yishu heard that John had been taken into custody […] He came and settled in Capernaum […] From that time Yishu began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Capernaum is really two words, “Kafer Naḥum,” which means, “Village of comfort/repentance.” Adonoi Yishu went to the Village of Repentance to begin preaching repentance. So be comforted; leave your sins behind; come to King Yishu haNeṣer, and enter a new paradigm, the Kingdom of Heaven… for He is near you.